Get Involved
Volunteering in Worship Services
Dozens of volunteers help in worship services each weekend. Get involved! It's a great way to get to know fellow Grace members. Below is a list of possibilities. Detailed descriptions are available in display racks near the office or from the church office. Contact the church office for more information or to volunteer!
Here is a partial list of volunteer roles:
Acolyte or Crucifer
Assisting Minister
Healing Assistant
Coffee Set Up and/or Clean Up
Baking Communion Bread
Communion Assistant
Providing cookies or healthy snacks for fellowship between services
Volunteer Reminder Calls
Running sound system
Running Power Point (5:30 Saturday evenings or 10:30 Sunday mornings)
Get Involved Booth
We are richly blessed at Grace with many gifted musicians who share their voices and other talents freely, to praise God.
Choir: The Heart & Voice Choir welcomes anyone 9th grade and above who loves to sing. No musical experience or talent required – just a desire to sing! We rehearse on Wednesday evenings at 7:00PM from September through early May and we sing on many Sunday mornings at the 8:30AM Worship Service. We also sing at special services during Lent, Advent and Christmas seasons. Our director and accompanist are extraordinary musicians, who write music, direct and play so beautifully that the choir always sounds wonderful.
Praise Band: Several guitar players, drummers, and vocalists share their talents at the 5:30PM Saturday evening service and the 10:30AM Sunday morning service. More musicians are always welcome to join in praising God with us! We sing a wide variety of current contemporary and praise music.
Summer Music: Throughout the summer months, Grace musicians play instruments and sing individually or in small groups, to jazz up our 8:30AM service during the Choir's summer hiatus. We have an incredibly diverse and talented membership of musicians. Come to any service and you will witness this!
Women of Grace/WELCA
As women of Grace, we provide experiences to develop the potential each person has been given. We equip women for ministry to the community and families. We find activities to enable women to value their abilities and build relationships locally and on a global basis. Through action projects we allow women to live out their faith and show their discipleship by example.
Women at Grace Lutheran Church are active and committed on many levels. They serve on Church Council, altar guild, participate in CROP and NAMI Walks, view recommended books, quilt Lutheran World Relief blankets, and make sleep quilts for those in need. There are groups of women who meet monthly for bible study or to discuss current topics from a faith-based perspective. Some women are actively involved with the work of our Southeastern Iowa Synod and participate in statewide and national events. They expand their view of the world and bring back information to share with other women at Grace. Of course, we have women who quietly do service work such as helping in the office, folding bulletins, cleaning the kitchen, and assisting with funeral luncheons as needed. Many of the women make and serve meals once per month at St. Joe's Center. Plus, we can't forget those women and men who faithfully collect and bring milk to church twice a month for distribution to various centers.
Representing all the women at Grace (WELCA) we have officers elected who coordinate activities and communicate the possibilities to serve. Officers are installed during a church service so our church body will give them support in this work.
The 2019 WELCA officers are: Linda Kortemeyer 563-359-7364 (President); Cindy Lee 563-359-4339 (Vice President); Chryss Hartman 563-320-0603 (Secretary); and Vicki Liebbe 563-340-6707 (Treasurer). The circle contacts are: Claire Johansen 563-271-1311 (Deborah Circle); Colleen Levsen 563-326-3480 (Esther Circle); Marilyn Schreiber 563-359-1072 (Naomi Circle); Sheila Jones 563-285-4374 and Gloria Lange 563-332-7170 (Service Day Ladies).
Quilts, Prayer Shawls and Afghans

Grace Lutheran Church WELCA has a year-round ministry resulting in hundreds of beautiful quilts, prayer shawls and afghans. Each year approximately 150 patchwork quilts are sewn and hand-tied by tireless quilters at Grace. These quilts are sent to Lutheran World Relief, to get them to those countries in most need. We also make "Sleep Sack Ugly Quilts" which are sturdy and rugged sleeping pads made from durable materials. These "Ugly Quilts" are gifted to local folk who are homeless.
Prayer shawls and afghans are being continuously crochet and knit by individuals in our congregation. As they crocheted or knitted, they pray for the future recipient, to wrap that person in prayer. Baptized babies and high school graduates, as well as others in need of loving prayer, may receive these generous and beautiful handmade gifts.
Feeding Those Who Are Hungry
Food Pantry – We collect canned and boxed foods the first weekend of each month to share with the Churches United Food Pantry at The Center on Brady Street. Worshipers place their gifts on the altar before or after service. Each month we focus on a particular type of food that is most needed.
Little Free Pantry – In partnership with a family in the neighborhood, we have a Little Free Panty located on the northeast corner of our church lawn. This is always stocked with emergency food and staples that may be needed by our neighbors. Anyone is welcome to take what they may need for that day.
Milk Ministry – Grace members supply 110 gallons of milk each month, to meet local need! Some members choose to donate money to the Milk Ministry. Others purchase 5 gallons at a time to deliver to church. The 110 gallons of donated milk is delivered to local food pantries and Café on Vine, by Grace volunteers each month.
St. Joe's Meal Site – Grace members prepare and serve casseroles, fruit, bread, dessert and milk at the (formerly) St. Joe's Meal Site in Rock Island, IL on the 4th Friday of each month at 5:15. There are usually 35-50 people benefiting from the meal. It takes many of our church family to make this meal possible each month!
Global Missions
In March 2006, we first spent time in Guatemala. "Accompany us" were the words of Pastor Jose Pilar Alvarez Cabrera, senior pastor of ILUGUA, a Lutheran church in rural eastern Guatemala, as we debriefed about our first week together. A team from Davenport's First Presbyterian and Grace Lutheran Churches had just spent time observing the work of ILUGUA, working with the impoverished indigenous communities in the nearby mountains. We were overwhelmed by the quiet dignity and patience of these farmers who labored to heal the wounds of the recently ended civil war; we were educated about the horrors of climate-induced drought and famine, we learned about cooperative, sustainable organic agriculture and we saw the brutal poverty and violence of social injustice. Pastor Pilar did not ask for our money, he wanted our commitment to the mission.
Our walk with the families of ILUGUA (Iglesia Luterana Guatemaltecca) has brought us joy, taught us about faith and humbled us. We have visited this church community many times since 2006 and the ILUGUA pastors have visited us here. We have learned more each visit. Grace and First Presbyterian have generously supported our brothers and sisters with funds, Spanish language books to combat illiteracy, medical supplies, church needs such as Bibles and kitchen furnishings and most recently, "tiny computers" built specifically for use in that area. We continue our commitment to Guatemala. ILUGUA has shown us God's love in Guatemala, and we are so blessed for that vision.
Grace also prays regularly for Lutheran Church(es) in China, which operate quietly to avoid persecution.
Spiritual Growth Opportunities
At least annually, retreats or educational opportunities are offered to introduce or renew spiritual practices among Grace members and others in the community. We want to deepen and enrich our connections to God in everyday life. These may include Bible Study, Worship Services, Ministry Opportunities or Prayer & Meditation opportunities. Events take place either within our church building or in outside facilities such as a Bible Camp or Retreat Center. Please see the calendar for upcoming Spiritual Growth Opportunities. Examples of several recent offerings:
- What is Your Prayer Style?
- Making the Passion of Christ, His Suffering, Relevant in our Lives Today
- Nature Walk with Reflections along the Way
Social Groups
- Saturday Morning Page Turner's Club – Monthly gatherings start at 8:30AM on the 3rd Saturday of each month at Ross', just off 53rd Street in Bettendorf. Check with hostess for questions or directions.
Contact: - IFF – Food & Fellowship! We gather monthly to enjoy each other's company along with some delicious food. Each month those present decide upon the next month's date and venue. See the calendar for details each month. All are welcome!
Contact: - Grace2Dine – This is another monthly opportunity for fellowship and dining with Grace friends. Location and date will vary month-to-month. See calendar for details.
Contact: - Bulletin Helpers – We gather every Friday morning at 8:30AM to put together the weekly bulletins and other church mailings. Join us if you'd like! The conversation is always fun.
Contact: - Men's Group meets monthly for fellowship and coffee. We visit shut-in members and assist with funeral meals, church grounds, Graceful Gardens and several annual events, as needed. See calendar for Men's Group date and location details.
Special Events
Garden Week (Lite)
Online and In Person
We are going to celebrate God’s creation with a week of online gardens (June 25-27) and an in person celebration with the following activities on June 27th.
- Worship Outside at 9:00am - Together we will celebrate God's creation.
- Raffle for prizes donated by local businesses - Raffle drawing following worship, for more information keep reading.
- Garden Walks - Enjoy local gardens
- Kid's Corner - Pot a plant to take home
For more information click here.
The Raffle
Instead of selling potted plants this year, we are holding a free-will offering raffle! There will be several great prizes donated by area businesses and congregation members. All contributions will be given to a local food pantry, the Brick House and maintaining Grace’s grounds. We appreciate your participation in the 7th Annual Garden Party event.
The way it works:
- You can mail in a donation to Grace of any amount to enter the raffle.
Grace Lutheran Church
1140 E High St.
Davenport, IA 52803 - To enter, your donation must arrive at Grace by June 25th at the latest.
- For the dontion, write a check with
Garden Week
in the memo line. - Include the cutoff in the PDF. You can find that here. If you don't have a printer, include a note with your name, phone number, and address.
Blood Drive - One of the ways that Grace members serve their community is by donating blood. Since 1977, this congregation donates 50-100 pints of blood every year at drives held at the church in January, May and September. We also invite members from other congregations that don't hold blood drives.
Blessing of Bikes – God is present in every part of life, including activities such as recreation. As an outreach mission to the neighborhood, Grace has held a bike and motorcycle blessing in mid-late May. It is held between the Sunday worship services, about 9:45 AM, in the church parking lot. Adults and children are encouraged to bring their bikes, motorcycles, or helmets to receive a blessing. Safety and maintenance information is also presented and handed out. Presented by Outreach & Welcome Ministry
Annual Garden Party – The 5th Annual Grace Garden Party will take place on the second Sunday in June 2019 in celebration of new life and growth in the spring and summer seasons. Local vendors sell flower containers, plants, yard art, sculptures and much more for your gardens. We also have live music, children's activities, food and refreshments and much more. Local garden walks take place during the afternoon. Activities take place between 11:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. All proceeds are directed to local food pantries, World Hunger, Grace inner city gardens and our Grace church grounds.Presented by Outreach & Welcome Ministry
Blessing of Backpacks – Each August, Children, Youth & Family Mission dedicates a weekend to students, teachers, administration, school staff and volunteers to come forward in worship to receive a blessing and a small token to carry with them. The students bring their backpacks and leave knowing we are praying for them.
Church Picnic – A true Lutheran Potluck! Bring a dish to share and the church takes care of the meats and grill. Be ready for yard games and fellowship. GET INVOLVED with promoting a good turn out, setup & tear down, or simply come to have a good time.
NAMI Walk – A team of Grace members walks each September, to raise awareness and funds on behalf of the National Alliance on Mental Illness. NAMI provides essential education, advocacy and no-charge support group programs for people living with mental illness and their families. NAMI Greater Mississippi Valley addresses the mental illness needs of our local community and seeks to replace stigma with understanding. They help thousands of families and individuals each year. In 2017, 80 NAMI Walk events throughout the country raised nearly $11million to support local programs and initiatives.
CROP Walk – Our Grace team walks in the QCA Crop Walk to raise money for Church World Service. CWS uses our donations for programs and initiatives that provide food and clean water. Twenty-five percent of the money raised stays here in the QC locally (meal sites and food banks). We welcome all donations of any size and would love you to join our team in a two, four or six mile walk on this special day in October - Fighting hunger one step at a time!
Trunk or Treat – Join us for the 11th annual Trunk or Treat night. We welcome adults to decorate their trunks and hand out treats to the neighborhood children on Halloween. The fun is from 5 to 7:00 pm on Wednesday, October 31st in the church parking lot. This event is sponsored by Grace Outreach and Welcome along with Grace2Dine. Everyone enjoys the fun and costumes. Come join the fun!!